In The Year 2000
Yep, that's me... Gabe Gunlock. And here is where my professional career begins...
This picture is literally moments before I would end up chopping off the top of my Chevy Blazer to make it a full convertible! I'm 18 years young and freshly graduated from Arlington high School in Riverside, CA... little did I know I was about to start on my journey to become an entrepreneur.
June 2002
The Band
But first, let's start a band! After quickly discovering Napster and Google in my Long Beach State University dorm room I made my first "career" choice...
Without any knowledge of the music business or how to correctly plan an instrument I created a 4 peice band named "Ghostar". Realizing a band is much more that just instruments, songs, and band members I created my second, more successful band, blá-zä. Rocking the House of Blues and many other well established venues was the time of my life as a 20 year old "rock-like star."
January 2006
The Studio
A few different band names, 100s of shows, and $100,000s spent it was official, I was in business a full time digital artist working in my recording studio...
Little did I know I was less than a year from finding my first "profitable" business after recording my first album and realizing that music was making a massive transition into the digital age. It became apparent to me that the computer was the wave of the future and the tool I wanted to learn.
March 2008
The Print Company
But its not just about the music... It's about the graphics too! So let's start a print company and get to the real business; MARKETING
Along with the profits of producing music professionaly I learned that just like artists need the production of audio, businesses needed the production of everything branding. This included images, graphics, text, audio, video and soon to include all of this media on the world wide web.
November 2011
The Review Company
After many hours of computer programming I learned there was a better way of apply these skills... Big Biz!
With a new vision of the digital landscape, and building the most basic of websites, I helped build new business endeavors. I'd stumble upon a goldmine; the world of digital reviews. With car dealerships as the backdrop, I saw these little snippets of customer opinions as the ultimate game-changer. Along with my business partner Dan Weik we grow an epic online review platform... with of course, help from our investors Sean Wolfington, Grant Cardone, David Boyce, and others.
October 2015
The Audio Technology Company
After selling my stake in the review company BusinessRater I went all in on my first marketing agency only to quickly land a deal with the publicly traded company MAXD.
Working inside of the publicly traded company MAXD was a massive eye opening experience. Not only did I work in an unorthodox enviroment, I experience the joy of being part of a large team. Together with my associates Greg Halpern (MAXD), Alexnader Mendeluk (Spirit Hoods),  Patrick Szydik (Film360), and others, we quickly built an audio app focused on enhancing the moments that move us as emotional human beings through music. Flat compressed audio was no more. The app technology is truly fulfilling.
July 2016
The Real Estate Media Company
During the transformative months when I founded the real estate media company Film360, I experience the greatess loss of my life. My sister and "partner in business" Gloria Hoagland passed away from brain cancer.
Over the course of 4 years I learned the pleasure of business along with the pain of personal loss of my sister. Along with my business partner Patrick Szydlik and our talented digital artist Jon Hebert, Film360 quickly became the innovation and creativity cornerstone of the San Diego real estate market. These years were a testament to my personal commitment to reshaping myself, my business focus, and the real estate landscape, one captivating media piece at a time.
August 2018
The Data Company
After working in the Real Estate industry for a few years, deeper connections were made, and new opportunities were presented. One of those was amazing, the opportunity to direct the marketing for one of the industries leading data companies, PropStream.
After hours of real estate tech talk and making a solid connecting, Jeromé Cooper of Fortune Builders and I were offered to help with the marketing of PropStream. Together we exploded the brands sales, helping the company to become an established industry leader for nationwide property data. This further grew my understanding of technology, business, and SaaS sales.
December 2020
The Real Estate Marketing Software
It's time to "Get Authorized"... launching my largest software project at the time Authorized became and still is a network of 1000's of business professionals.
Finally combining my years of knowledge in all media marketing I created a partnership with the extremely talented programmer Ryan White. Together we built an all inclusive suite of marketing tools that included digital business cards, websites, postcards, photoshoots, and much more using a vast number of APIs, giving our users a platform with tremendous marketing power along with ease of use.
April 2022
1000s Of Real Estate Companys
During the building and growing of Authorized I had the pleasure of meeting and working with literally 1000's of agents across California and the nation.
Working with some of the real estate industry's most impressive brands and agents has been a true success. I still maintain a working relationship with hundreds of active agents and brokers in facilitating a winning online presence as the industry and world continues to change.
January 2024
Welcome To The Future (Gabe Gunlock)
And now, here we are, living in the future! This is an incredible time to be in business and in marketing. With more tools than ever before and access to instant content, the world is at our fingertips.
I had no clue when I started this journey that I would live in such an exciting time for business and marketing. The ability to create and connect with like minded others continues to humble me and blow my mind. I truly and passionately look forward to connecting with you on my journey. Let's connect and talk about our ways to work together and build a brighter future, together.

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Gabe Gunlock and Marketing & Real Estate LLC does not promise or guarantee your financial success, nor warrant any earning claims made for their products. Your results will vary and depend on many factors that are unique to you including passion, business acumen, work ethic, and more. All business entails risk as well as consistent effort and action. Good luck and let’s have fun!

Sales figures stated or implied are personal sales figures or that of our students. Please understand these results are not typical. We are using these as examples of what is possible when you commit and take consistent action. We do not guarantee any earnings because your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails financial risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.

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